Introduction to DMFT and continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo

Here is some information about the lectures and the tutorial Introduction to DMFT and continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo of the Les Houches School on Computational Physics.


During the lecture, I will sometimes ask you some questions with wooclap. To partitipate, scan the QR code that you will see on the screen with your smartphone, or follow this link.

You can find the lecture notes following this link. The notes are preliminary and certainly have typos and mistakes. But I hope that they are nevertheless useful. Don't hesitate to send me feedback about anything I should correct or clarify.


For the tutorial session, we will use jupyter notebooks. These python notebooks will use some standard libraries, such as numpy or matplotlib. But they are also based on the TRIQS library and an implementation of a continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo solver. There are two options to have jupyter notebooks with all the necessary requirements:

1. The Binder project (safest solution)

The Binder project allows to prepare jupyter notebook with all requirements built in. The notebooks for the tutorial can be accessed by the following link:

After clicking on this link, it may take a bit of time before you can have access to the notebooks. When the notebooks appear, it is good idea to open the first notebook 00 - Keep binder alive.ipynb and execute its cell. This notebook maintains some activity on the server and avoids that you are disconnected after some time of inactivity.

WARNING: The drawback of this solution is that you cannot save your notebooks on the remote server that is hosting the notebooks. You will therefore have to (regularly) save the notebook on your local drive to make sure your work is not lost. This is done by choosing File -> Download as -> Notebook. To recover your saved notebook in a new session, click the Upload button on the main jupyter welcome page and select your downloaded notebook. It will then appear as one of the notebooks in the list. You may have to overwrite the existing notebook if they have the same name.

2. Installing TRIQS and the impurity solver locally

Another solution is to install the necessary libraries on your personal computer. You will need the following:

WARNING: Given that the school is held remotely, I will not be able to help with installation issues. If you meet difficulties, I encourage you to go for the first option and use the binder notebooks.

Questions / comments

Don't hesitate to use the Slack to ask questions and discuss. If later on, you have more questions, feel free to contact me: